Testimony of a miracle worker, Virginie Baudois

Blessing of a new cross at the Dent de Lys

Testimony from yesterday

The homilies

Homily of Mgr Jean-Marie Lovey

27 June 2019

Brothers and sisters, dear pilgrims, dear friends,

Marguerite Bays should be canonised and recognised as a saint. Some people ask what extraordinary things she did to deserve this? This question makes us reflect on what holiness really is? And how do we get there?

The Gospel we have just heard proposes a double reference as a path towards possible holiness.

Homily of Mgr Jean-Marie Lovey, 27 June 2019

Homily of Father Blanc Raphaël Deillon

27 December 2019

Homily of Father Blanc Raphaël Deillon, 27 December 2019

Homily of Father Michel Demierre

27 January 2021

Homily of Father Michel Demierre, 27 January 2021