
  • Tous les jeudis (sauf vacances, fêtes liturgiques et 27), 14h, chapelet à la chambre de Marguerite

  • Tous les vendredis, 18h, chemin de croix suivi de la messe à la chapelle Notre-Dame du Bois

  • Tous les dimanches, 17h, messe du pèlerinage à l'église de Siviriez


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Saint Margaret Bays


Born in La Pierra in the canton of Fribourg on 8 September 1815 and died in the same hamlet on 27 June 1879, Marguerite was canonised by Pope Francis on 13 October 2019. Her life of holiness can be summed up in a few words: an existence that never ceased to translate the very Being of God into action, into human gestures

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